Friday, June 12, 2009

The Night is Young and the Moon is Bright

Alright so after finishing off volume 1 of Moon Knight I jumped into volume 2. Before I did though I took a quick turn down a different road. In one sitting I read through the best selling graphic novel of all time, The Death of Superman. I was just going to review the last 4 issues of Moon Knight I read but I'm gonna toss in my thoughts on The Death of Superman.

I honestly bought this graphic novel for one reason and one reason only.

I wanted that figure of Doomsday. It was easier to obtain it this way then any other. For the price of this set I could have only gotten the figure so why not take the extras? The Superman figure is ass and to be honest the book was as well. After one night of reading it brand new out of the box the fucking cover fell off. That's right the glue came undone and the whole cover just fell right off. Cheap bastards, I didn't even finish reading it when it happened. Anyways onto my review...

The Death of Superman - What's there to say here? If you haven't read it let me just tell you it's boring. Honestly Superman just isn't very interesting and I can't say I care about what happens to him. He has to decide between stopping Doomsday and saving a kid from burning to death at one point and he complains about it, what a prick. He fights Doomsday but it's quite brief. The slug-fest spans across several pages but as the issues get closer to his death less panels are used a page so by the last book everything is a one page spread. The writing is horrid and there's random ass characters in there no one cares about.

Like this guy The Guardian

He looks like a gay hood ornament. Seriously, Captain America called he wants his shield and costume back.

Course Marvel on the other hand had to rip him off. I mean look at this guy.

And I'm not even joking when I say this guy has the exact same name. Like not only the same hero name but the same first name, James, and his last name starts with the same letter, H. To top it all off they both have nicknames based off their middle names. The DC one is James Jacob "Jim" Harper and the Marvel one James "Mac" MacDonald Hudson. What the hell? The DC version came out in 1942 and the Marvel knock off in 1978. Maybe it was Marvels idea of a joke.

Anyways back to Superman, uh he dies but not really and he takes Doomsday with him, but he doesn't die either. So you really gotta ask yourself, what was the point of this whole arc? If your gonna bring back everyone who dies in the same comic series what is the purpose of killing them off? Shock value? Sales? I'll tell you what it was because I was bored enough to watch the special features on the Superman: Doomsday movie DVD. They wanted to have him marry Louis but the TV series out at the time wanted to do it first so they had to wait. So with a year of planning out the window they decided to re-write what that years story arc was gonna be and they finally decided "Fuck it we'll kill him".

Half ass'd, lame, stupid, pointless, a waste of time, the fucking cover fell off, and the Superman toy sucks balls. I might as well have just bought Doomsday by himself.

Back to Moon Knight...

This volume features up to issue #30. There's 38 issues in all so I had to buy 31-38 off Ebay. I still haven't gotten a hold of issue #35 yet. It'll be awhile before I get there though so no worries.

# 11 - To Catch a Killer - Alright so this ones not too bad, except the villain looks like Mr. T. That and his name is Cajun Creed...ugh. Anyways it's about Frenchie's X lover who abandoned him randomly one day. She goes to Steven Grant's Mansion to drop off a package and tells him to give it to Marc Spector who then is supposed to give it to Frenchie. She realizes quickly that Steven is Marc and that Frenchie lives with him. Shows how weak Marc's identities are. Anyways Frenchie and her have a heart to heart. The whole thing baffles me because Frenchie is gay in the new series and tells Marc he only stayed with him all those years out of love for him. Pretty odd he was gay the whole time but loved a woman so deeply, maybe they decided to re-write that as well.

Anyways Mr.T, I mean Cajun Creed kills her and Frenchie and Moon Knight go to New Orleans to catch him. He does and it turns out she was an agent for the government who infiltrated Creed's operation and took a bunch of his drug money. So he hunted her down and killed her. Story was pretty thin but it wasn't that bad, other then how lame the villain was.

# 12 - The Nightmare of Morpheus - The first villain I consider to be super natural, despite him really just being a failed operation. This villain is a guy who got treated for something, I forgot what, and the end result was his inability to sleep. It drives him insane and turns him into a monster. His lack of sleep manifests itself into a psychical form and he uses it as energy to kill people and destroy stuff. The longer he stays awake the more powerful he gets. Like a vampire he recharges during the day light and stalks at night. They never explained why he's deformed but whatever he looks cool. Anyways I enjoyed this story and this character I hope there's more issues with him in it.

# 13 - The Cream of the Jest - Holy shit is this issue lame. It ranks a 99 on the suck-o-meter. One of Daredevil's enemies gets out of jail at the same time some nobody crook Moon Knight put away. So of course they just happened to be cell mates, and just happened to want to team up. So This Jester guy dresses up like a retarded looking clown and has evil toys he makes, like robots with exploding air planes that come out of them I'm not even making this shit up.

He's seen here with the most unoriginal assembly of villains ever.

Mr. Hyde, Cobra, and JESTER WOOOO THE TRIO OF DOOM! Beware...
And for good measure a better body shot

Yeah he sure looks cool. So check out his menacing powers. Aside from being able to create evil toys he's a bad stage actor, skilled gymnast, and swordsman. He spouts off corny lines of dialogue and like a Shakespeare villain he announces everything before he does it.

Enough about him, the story is balls, Daredevil is a stupid character, he's blind yet he can see. What is he a fucking bat? Moon Knight kicked his ass proper like he should so at least they got that right.

Alright that's all for now. Next time I do a comics review I'll hit the next few issues of Moon Knight, it might be awhile though. I read the first few pages of the next issues. The villain in it is named, and I'm not making this shit up, Stained Glass Scarlet...


  1. I snagged both of the Moon KNight Essential books for 5 bucks a piece new, and I pretty much agree with a lot of stuff you're saying. The cool covers/ass interiors was (still is) the way things were done.

    I think I'd have a hard time reading the stories if I didn't enjoy the newer MK series so much. Its almost like "....Well...he's kind of lame here, but he turns out to be a complete I'll keep reading."

    I'll keep reading you stuff, Spit.


  2. Hey...don't knock the Jester. He's a powerful super villain.

    - Jester...ooops
